Having a colposcopy: My experience

Take a deep breath, you’ve got this.

Today I am going to share with you my first colposcopy experience as I think it is so important to talk about the preventions of cervical cancer and maybe even reassure or prepare you if you ever have to go through the same experience.

Why did I need a colposcopy?🧑🏽‍⚕️🏥🔎

I had a routine smear test (first ever one) back in December and my results came back with abnormal cells, referenced to me as ‘low grade dyskaryosis’ or ‘pre-cancerous cells’ and that I would need a follow up colposcopy at my local hospital.

As you can imagine the words abnormal and cancer were the words that immediately stood out to me and this really frightened me. Even though this was mild there was still that niggling feeling in the back of my mind of ‘what if they have diagnosed me wrong and it’s actually much worse’ or ‘is this going to hurt’.

I went into the hospital appointment on my own not really knowing what to expect although I did read the leaflet that I was also provided on the procedure. As far as I could tell it would be similar to a smear without the scraping. I had a lovely doctor, student doctor and two nurses in a nice large room. The doctor proceeded to take a look with a microscope which was fine for me, it just felt like the kind of pressure you have when you need a wee and is kind of similar to the smear test.

Now to the painful part, the doctor told me I had to have 3 biopsies taken and I was not mentally prepared for that. It’s safe to say that I was freaking out inside and was very teary. It felt like someone was pinching me and I could hear a snipping noise which made me *uncomfy* although the nurses were so kind and held my hand. I had a lot of bloating after and an intense pain in my right side as well as bleeding the next day which continued for 3 days, like a very heavy period. I was dosing myself up with paracetamol.

This pain in my right side seemed to last at least 2 weeks after the biopsies which really frustrated me as I just wanted to feel physically well within myself and it was just holding me back.

I would say all in all to feel completely back to myself it took a good month. I’m not sure if I just feel pain quite intensely or if it was really playing on my mind so please don’t let this scare you or put you off because the temporary pain is worth it for your health.

I got a letter around 2 and a half weeks after the colposcopy and I was shaking whilst opening the letter, what if I needed something else done? And then I’d have to be in pain again. The letter advised that there were no more abnormal cells or further treatment that would be needed! Thank goodness for that! 😅

Please get your smear done as well as any follow ups if needed, even if it appears scary at first. It can prevent cervical cancer and will also put your mind at ease. Your health is so important, it makes the experience all worth it. ❤️

Ellie x

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