Why I don’t wear fake eyelashes…

“Sass, class and ass”

In an era that throws models and societies versions of perfect at you, it’s not surprising that I’ve been seeing more girls with surgical enhancements or partaking in non-surgical treatments to enhance themselves.

I have my own expectations for the way I look, I actually wear make up on an almost daily basis.

Fake eyelashes are really annoying and heavy and I’m convinced they can’t be doing your natural eyelashes any good. I’ve only worn them a total of three times in my life for those very reasons, or feeling like a hench spider is attacking my eye.

I think they look good in pictures as they’re very exaggerated, however for a daily basis it just feels too fake and time consuming to me. Maybe I’m just lazy? Or maybe I’m just comfortable with my own eyelashes that I grew myself and cost nothing?

If you know of any eyelashes that are really good and don’t give you this problem, but are also low maintenance, let me know. This is my opinion. Love yo’ self ❤️

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