Be Kind: The importance of a smile

After I reached out to someone to today it occurred to me that I am a firm believer and in fact feel compelled to comfort those that are even strangers to me who may be dealing with a tough period … Continue reading

Vanishing Girls-Lauren Oliver. 13+

Wow. This book is honestly one of the most interesting that I have read for a long time in terms of a thriller. From the beginning there’s the hook of Nick and Dara, two sisters, in the aftermath of a car accident.


We are then transported to times before the accident and then to the present where the two sisters are not on speaking terms and there is the complication of Parker, the hot guy who used to be Nick’s best friend and even Dara’s for a while until he hooked up with her and has an on-off again type of relationship. The relationship has damaged his friendship with Nick which he is almost desperate to gain back. Now there are some twists along the way and a major mind fuck by the end of the book, but I won’t ruin it for you because it really makes it a lot more enjoyable.

‘If you don’t understand that, I guess you’ve never had a sister.’

Go buy it if you want a thriller, with an almost sweet ending.

Ellie x