Graduation: What I Wore

Graduating university only happens once, unless you can be bothered to do your masters, in which case, good luck. So, when you do graduate it tends to be kind of a big deal. Considering I had been waiting for this day … Continue reading

Anita And Me. (Film)

Anita and Me.

Anita and Me.

“He fondled her lifeless body like a toy in his huge hands, not sucking her blood as I’d always feared, but forcing the life back into her…He saved both of us. Anita. And me.”

Anita and Me is a life changing film.

At the age of either eight or nine I had just had my bath and was getting ready to go to bed when I sat in awe as I took in Anita’s long, blonde hair, contrasting with Meena’s short, black hair. I remember thinking how much they resembled my best friend and I, apart from the age differences, the similarities were uncanny.

Meena carried a diary and is constantly dreaming of becoming a famous writer, as was I. Meena is younger than the peers she hangs around with, as was I. In the film, Meena is a 12 year old girl, and I felt like she was me in the future. My best friend and I were complete opposites, and at the age where you are close to going to secondary school, and it scared me.

For a long time the scene where Anita and Meena are arguing near the den by the lake stuck with me for years. Mainly because I hadn’t grasped the concept of the film, and straight after I saw them fall into the lake and the lone shoe that floated to the top, I felt like I had just watched a scary movie. And it came at the worst moment that my mum had to say ‘bed time’ and all I wanted to know was if the girls had just died.

Luckily for me, nearly ten years later I recently discovered that Anita and Me was on Netflix, and of course I had to watch it until the very end. I must say that the film has so many different aspects to it on friendship, relationships and religion. It made the film not only interesting to watch, but eye opening to see what life may have been like in the mining village in the English Midlands in 1972.

I’m very happy to say that yes, both girls lived. Although not the best of friends anymore and living away from each other, the film had a sweet feeling to it that left you wondering if Meena had become a famous writer, or if Anita had managed any achievements herself.

I would definitely recommend this film and watch it again,

Ellie x