My Top Ten Summer Loves

“If you’re not barefoot, then you’re overdressed” – Unknown BBQ’S – In England it’s actually been hot enough to sit in the garden with all your friends and family cooking up any meat you can get your hands on. I’ve … Continue reading

Graduation: What I Wore

Graduating university only happens once, unless you can be bothered to do your masters, in which case, good luck. So, when you do graduate it tends to be kind of a big deal. Considering I had been waiting for this day … Continue reading

10 Things I Hate About Exams

Hey Everyone!

Whether you are currently at school, college or university, I can assure most of you that we are in the same position when it comes to the fact that we have exams. It sucks. There’s nothing we can do about it except study hard (hah!) and eat brain food (does McDonald’s count?


But here’s ten things I absolutely hate about exams:

  1. When the invigilator looks at your test over your shoulder. Just no. Please go away and leave so I can be confused alone.
  2. The way your tutors or lecturers try and give you a pep talk, as if that’s going to change the fact you didn’t study and have no clue what they’ve been going on about.
  3. How you can’t cough out loud for fear of starting of a chain reaction.
  4. You don’t get to choose who you sit near, cue fart boy to the left and a cheater to the right. Stop trying to talk to me.
  5. Silence. I hate how quiet it is and how when I then sneeze it sounds like thunder.
  6. You can’t make eye contact with anyone. At any point. For the fear people might think your trying to cheat. I don’t want to get kicked out.
  7. No food. What do you mean I can’t snack? Seriously I’m pretty sure everyone is starving by the time an exam finishes. Exam is only an hour? Yep, still hungry.
  8. It’s boring. You finish your exam and then there’s nothing to do except drink the rest of your water from the bottle where you had to remove the label.
  9. Oh referring to point 8, after the water is gone, you then really need to pee, like desperately, and there’s no way you want to have the embarrassment of walking from one of the back rows (Last name begins with M)  all the way to the toilet with an invigilator.
  10. I hate how much pressure there is to do well, you don’t know what the exam questions are going to be until your in there and even then you may or may not know the answers.

I hope you all remember to study, or it’s your own fault!

Ellie, x